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On January 23rd 2011 NOAH CRAIG MARKEY was born 13 weeks early....His birth was very traumatic and he sustained severe brain damage....He spent 6 days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Royal Brisbane & Womens Hospital....I could not have asked for better care for my son...I would like to give back to them...Please chip in if you can spare a few dollars....It all helps...Thank-you
NOTE: due to the overwhelming support and my ambition I have now increased our target amount to $50000. There have been a few large donations made which do not show up on this page as we have sent them directly to the Foundation and on to Noah's acct. So our actual total is greater than what you can see on this page - will keep you informed. At the moment we are sitting at around $15000 in total
RBWH Foundation
Run for Life-Saving Research and Patient Care Help us save lives through the extraordinary power of giving, all while getting fit and having fun with your friends and family. By running and fundraising for the RBWH Foundation, you are providing vital funding to advance life-saving research and patient care.
Each year the RBWH alone treats more than 800,000 patients from throughout Queensland, as well as Northern New South Wales, the Northern Territory, parts of the Pacific Rim and internationally by providing disaster medical support. Clinical and medical researchers based at the RBWH, STARS, Herston Health Precinct and Redcliffe Hospital conduct research with the aim of improving world practice to save and improve lives in most health areas, including: Infectious diseases, including COVID-19, Cancer Care, Mental Health, Regional and Remote areas, Neurological diseases and disorders including stroke, Parkinson’s and MND, Women’s and Babies Health…just to name a few! Help us fund the next life-saving research breakthrough and patient care initiative
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