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Sonia Jones

Sonia Jones

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Sonia Jones


The SJT team is devastated by the loss of our team member, Kyall. Kyall joined Sonia Jones Travel recently and was quickly learning the ropes and becoming an important part of the business. Kyall had worked in the travel industry for fifteen years and was passionate and dedicated. He took great pride in always doing his best and he had slotted in well to our team.

Kyall developed diabetes as a teenager and had battled numerous complex health issues as a result of having diabetes. You can help us in remembering Kyall by donating here. The funds raised will go to providing support diabetics and to more research into this chronic disease. In addition, for the month of November SJT will donate $10 from every travel booking to Diabetes Australia. 

Please support our efforts by making a secure online donation and by posting a message of support for Kyall's family.  

Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly to Diabetes Australia. 

From all of us at Sonia Jones Travel, thank you for your support.

Sonia, Amy & Christine

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Diabetes Australia

Diabetes Australia is the national body for people affected by all types of diabetes and those at risk. As a not for profit organisation, Diabetes Australia works with consumers, health professionals, and researchers. We are committed to reducing the impact of diabetes. Diabetes Australia's core focus areas are: people affected by all types of diabetes- this includes people with type 1 diabetes, people with type 2 diabetes, women with gestational diabetes, people with other forms of diabetes, their families and carers, and people at risk of developing diabetes. The Diabetes Australian Research Program supports and develops outstanding diabetes research in Australia. We do this by funding a range of grants across the full spectrum of diabetes research through a merit based, competitive, peer review process. Research projects can focus on prevention amd management of diabetes, as well as researching for a cure to diabetes.

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