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In Memory of Asen Todorov

Stefanie Todorov

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In Memory of Asen Todorov


My Nonno lived with Macular Degeneration (MD). MD causes progressive loss of central vision, causing a 'black hole' in the middle of your world of sight. This loss of central vision affects the ability to undertake daily tasks and recognise faces. Even though my Nonno rarely complained of anything, I know that living with MD greatly affected his life. After devoting his life to hard work and taking extraordinary care of his family, he experienced a loss of independence caused by MD in circumstances where he had survived and recovered from much more serious health concerns (such as multiple heart attacks and mini-strokes) as if they were a normal part of life. My Nonno encouraged all those around him to 'look after their eyes' and regularly go to the optometrist to help prevent ending up having MD affect their life the way it effected his. 

Macular disease is the leading cause of blindness and severe vision loss in Australia. An estimated 1.8 million Australians have some evidence of macular disease. 

This month marks the five year anniversary of my Nonno's death. He would have been 100 years old this year. In my Nonno's honour, and to mark his anniversary and what would have been his100th birthday, throughout the month of September I will be raising funds for the Macular Disease Foundation Australia. The MDFA's purpose is to reduce the incidence and impact of macular disease in Australia. They do this via prevention and early detection, supports and services, advocacy, and research and data. 

If you can, I would much appreciate a donation in honour of my Nonno and in support of the work of the MDFA which includes support services for people living with a macular disease, their families and carers, and the MDFA's Research Grants Program

Early detection of macular disease is crucial to save sight. I echo the sentiments of my Nonno and encourage you all to have your eye and vision health reviewed, regularly. 

Thank you for your support xx 

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Macular Disease Foundation Australia

Macular Disease Foundation Australia is the national peak body representing the interests of the 8.5m Australians living with, or at risk of, macular disease and their families.

Macular disease is the leading cause of severe vision loss and blindness in Australia.

Our purpose is to reduce the incidence and impact of macular disease through leadership in prevention and early detection, disease management, advocacy, and research. We work collaboratively and in partnership with our community, health professionals, researchers, and government to minimise the impact of macular disease

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