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Thomas Heddy

Thomas Heddy

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Thomas Heddy


Our beautiful sister, Sara Wright, lost her brave battle against Motor Neurone Disease on 25th May.

In planning for her own passing , Sara asked that in lieu of flowers, we make donations to Motor Neurone Disease Research Australia. 

MND is a terrible illness that affects adults in their 40s - to 60s. Every day in Australia, two people are diagnosed with MND and two people lose their fight against it.

We would all like to see a world in which it no longer exists.

Every donation, big or small, can help us find new ways to combat MND.

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Motor Neurone Disease Research Australia

MND Research Australia funds projects led by Australia’s leading MND researchers. By supporting MNDRA you are sparking new discoveries and ideas to defeat MND by funding new research projects that aim to understand the causes, develop effective treatments, and one day find a cure. 

It is only with research that the future of MND will change. Together we will defeat MND. 

Information about MND research at            

More information about MND at

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